The Bain-marie alembic is actually one alembic inside another with a chamber between both, that works as a Bain-marie. The Bain-marie alembic has an hydraulic closing type, and it's made in copper by specialized craftsmen with an experience covering generations.
The copper separation rack is included in the price.
The Bain-marie alembic is an evolution of the traditional copper alembic used for centuries for the distillation.
The advantage of the Bain-marie alembic resides in the quality of the final product. During the distillation with this alembic, the fire doesn't touch the inside base of the alembic, providing a superior quality of the distillate. In the Bain-marie alembic we don't need to apply a filler to reach the air tightness we need during the distillation. This air tightness is provided by filling with water a cleavage that surrounds the alembic and putting the helmet over it.
The Bain-marie alembic is totally welded and it's a resistant alembic.
You must never use the alembic when there's no water left between the walls of the alembic.
The Bain-marie alembic is used for every kind of High quality distillations:
Distillation of firewater, distillation of rum, distillation of fruits, distillation of gin and distillation of liquors in general.
The Bain-marie alembic is made of three parts:
The cooking pot or boiler: It's the part of the alembic where we put the element we want to distillate.
Helmet: It's the upper part of the alembic from where the vapour travels down to the cooling condenser through the tube uniting them.
The cooling condenser: The part of the alembic where the vapour is cooling and condensing and where the distillate comes up.